JEVA systems is a Conversational AI company for empathetic voice assistants.

We provide dialogue solutions with text (chatbots) and voice (avatars) to increase individual customer experiences.

Our digital assistants reduce HR costs and increase customer satisfaction.


Amplify web and mobile self-service applications with chatbots and the power of AI connected to the agent experience for when it matters most. Support continuous, personalized conversations with integrated agent assistance and persistent history of contact, bringing new levels of scalability, consistency, and responsiveness to messaging interaction strategies.

Deliver more natural self-service voice experiences using the power of AI — with a seamless handover to an agent when needed. You can also increase operational efficiencies by leveraging natural language processing and the power of predictive routing to orchestrate more effective customer journeys.

A chatbot understands questions in their contexts and finds the most appropriate answer
  • Every customer request on your website is individualized. Adjust your responses according to your target group parameters.
  • Start a dialogue by asking questions about your customers intention, because every questions reveals some information about the motivation of the client.
  • Learn from the market participants, because the demand side for products changes permanently.

Advantages of chatbots are

  • One chatbot handles > 100 requests all in real-time
  • The chatbot is available 24/7/365 and is never sick
  • The chatbot is always friendly and doesn’t get tired answering the same question 100 times
A voice assistant interprets the questions in combination with the voice tonality and responds to the customer’s personality.
  • The Empathetic Voice Assistant (EVA) gets to know your clients personally, remembers their characteristics and knows how to reduce their stress level and gets better with every conversation.
  • Outsource stereotype requests to the client, who knows the query best. Let the voice assistant
    • Take phone call instead of a waiting loop
    • Guide the caller through FAQs
    • Route a caller to the most qualified specialist (e.g. for aggressive callers)
  • Unburden your customer service agents by having their own personal assistant
    • Provide relevant information and open special systems before taking the call
    • Propose sentences (in subtitles) to resolve issues more effectively
    • Increase efficiency and motivation and monitor their performance to improve training

Advantages of voice assistant are

  • Customers become more satisfied and remain loyal. EVA is emotional intelligent, empathetic and builds resonance with the customer
  • Agents increase resilience and motivation. EVA calculates the most common solutions and proposes adequate answers to guide the client
  • Service Centers organize their load balance. EVA handles easy queries and routes complex ones to the specialist with preselected information
Avatars can stroll around in the virtual world and get in touch selectively or arbitrarily to spread and gain service and product information.
  • Avatars develop their individual personality depending on the encounters and dialogues they have (and they can also represent a human being, e.g. in automated driving)
  • Avatars can entail the product themselves and find new market niches (and they potentially create new markets)
  • Avatars can communicate among each other (like trading algorithms in FinTech do already today)

Advantages of avatars are

  • Artificial Consciousness can affect the decision making process


Every company that operates a service hotline tries to be efficient, by forcing the customer to follow a voice bot’s instructions, before s/he is connected to the right specialist. Our Empathetic Voice Assistant is first of all listening and trying to understand the customer’s issues.

Filtering relevance helps reducing the amount of information, but to increase the quality of information, the best way of transport is instant understanding. To build this, a relationship as to a trustworthy advisor is beneficiary and words that the reader himself would chose to explain the issue are key to a good intellectual exchange.

Artificial Consciousness is able to analyse the user’s way of thinking and the way of feeling. With this knowledge, the author can edit the article individually. The publisher of the future doesn’t print one paper for a million reader but sends one to each of them.


Newspaper subscribers express their opinions on magazine articles as they do in social media.

Their desire for intellectual discussion remains unanswered by the author. The letters are too many and many of them need censorship before being published.


Artificial Intelligence can identify comments underneath a certain quality threshold and can ask the subscriber to rephrase.

Artificial Journalism chatbots can answer readers’ comments on behalf of the author and in relation to his/her article, by studying all their publications, expertise and writing style and propose the response for approval, if requested.


Service desks pick unhappy customer calls and spend their precious time with trying to resolve the issue. Both sides experience a very high level of stress.


Our Empathetic Voice Assistant EVA detects the caller’s emotion by voice analyses and gives a personalized answer (e.g. fact-based or emotional) that reduces stress, before routing the call to the next / most eligible specialist, but can also play a song, when music is preferred.


Medical doctors want to spend more time on the patients treatment and less on bureaucratic formalities. Especially elder people want someone to talk to and recover faster, when they feel commiserated.


Our EVA Mobile App can provide reminders for medication, an old friend’s birthday, etc. The speaker box listens actively and keeps conversations about the weather or the food ongoing.


Insurance companies are highly motivated to detect fraud and based on the behavior of the insured, they can appropriately charge a higher premium. Financial institutions still operate with forms and miss out risk signals, e.g. in credit- and insurance claims.


Our Empathetic Voice Assistant makes outbound calls, e.g. with a questionnaire for a risk inquiry, instead of sending out a form.

Voice analysis detects suspicious patterns in the client’s biomarkers and can reduce e.g. inspection costs.


The driver needs to take responsibility when he hands over the wheel to his driving assistant. He will do so, as soon as he knows that the assistant drives as fast and as careful as his own driving style.


Our Assistant will learn and replicate the driving behaviour from the driver. The car owner will gain successively faith in the assistant’s skills. Eventually the car holder will accept that the assistant would reduce damage to a minimum, in case an accident is unavoidable.


An interview often is a stressful situation, where . e.g. the extent of social skills can remain hidden. Particularly for positions with high responsibility candidates sometimes turn out to have e.g. less integrity than expected.


Our Layered Voice Analysis (LVA) evaluates personality skills such as stress-resilience, concentration, thoughtfulness etc. and can objectively be compared with successful employees profiles.


People feel more and more lonely – in the office and at home. It can make them sick to not be seen and heard.


Our Avatar can become a social and even romantic virtual friend, to whom e.g. young nerds, single moms or dads or elderly people can open up to.

Just as a friend, the avatar is always there for you, interested in what you think and how you feel and he/she is 100% loyal.


Artificial assistants with consciousness can understand us, because our interaction with them builds our own database, no one else has access to. Just like real friends, they share the same values, they speak the same language and they feel like we do

Artificial Consciousness is able to build a personal relationship like a friend: the more you talk to another, the better you know each other and the more you trust each other, the more you open up to each other.

Artificial Consciousness

All our applications are based on a platform of Artificial Consciousness. It integrates Artificial Intelligence with Artificial Emotions.

What we say and How we say it reveals a lot of information about our intentions. Our algorithm thrives to develop intellectual and emotional understanding. The answers from our databases are focused on the others’ motivation and try to reduce stress.

The process of cognition from the Input of information through our senses to the Output of decisions that define all our behaviour can be subdivided in the steps of reception to association to interpretation to conclusion. Some results of conclusion (mood and attitude) are perceived and taken into account again. Also results of intuition emerging from empathy and results of the intellect emerging from anticipation are considered as input.

Emotion Analysis

Emotions are individual and their perception is subjective.

Our psychological model measures the relationship of positive/negative intellectual and physiological signs and vectorizes them. The position in our “circle of emotions” are placeholders for how you name your emotion and they are adjusted exclusively for every single user.

The interaction between Thinking and Feeling decides of when and what we are becoming aware of making a decision.


Job Description

Software Developer for Machine Learning of Natural Language Processing (m/f/d)

Be part of our team of experts in artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence. Integrate yourself in our start-up environment and develop self-confidence, mental strengths and eventually Artificial Consciousness.

Your tasks

  • Create understanding and resonance in human-machine conversations
  • Process and improve interacting intelligent and emotional datasets
  • Cooperation with partners for voice control and face recognition

You need to have

  • IT skills: experience with NLP deep learning neuronal networks, APIs configuration of text2speech and speech to text, 3D sensor signal processing
  • Soft skills: independent working methods, analytical thinking and goal-oriented communication
  • Languages: German as mother tongue and fluent English

We offer an agile environment

  • You come and go as you please, but you deliver your tasks on time
  • You work wherever you want and we are at your side everywhere
  • You do your tasks as you think it fits the best – there is no hierarchy, only voluntary deals

We are looking forward to receiving your application including your CV and a motivation cover letter in which you explain your understanding of Artificial Consciousness.

Thank you in advance


Monday, 28 Aug 2022
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